Tuesday, December 1, 2009

YTD November, 2009 Routan Sales

This is not an official release from Volkswagen of America. The Routan is holding its market share, even though Volkswagen of America has not had an active advertising agency for a number of months. The Routan has to establish its identity, since the American public has not thought of Volkswagen as a minivan brand for several years.
On February 6, 2008, Associated Press reported, in part: "[Volkswagen of America President and CEO Stefan] Jacoby said the minivan market still is approaching 1 million vehicles a year, and Volkswagen would like to capture 3 to 5 per cent of that."

PRNewswire published the November and YTD sales figures of the auto-makers who sell in the U.S. From these reports, we glean the following data:

Brand YTD - 11/09

Chrysler 76,093

Dodge 82,103

Honda 91,167

Hyundai 3,422

Kia 26,625

Mazda 16,866

Nissan 8,310

Toyota 75,509

Volkswagen 13,848

Total 395,943
Volkswagen's market share of sales is 3.50%, right where Volkswagen of America was aiming for. Volkswagen has gained market share where they had none.
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