Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Auto Shows Display Dreams, Not Vehicles

picture from TheTruthAboutCars.com

This is the micro-bus concept Volkswagen produced a few years ago. Many people enamored with the original Transporter keep wishing that VW would have produced it. They rag the Routan because it is not this concept vehicle. Reality tells us that Volkswagen came to market with the Routan in 2-3 years from concept to 1st sale, while it would have taken 5-8 years to get this concept approved--assuming that it could be built and meet US standards.

From the picture, I see some design issues. First, there is little crumple zone in the front. I wonder if that would meet standards. Vans went from the recessed engines back to the front engine in part to meet crash safety requirements.

Count the headrests. The concept would only carry 6. Minivans are expected to seat 7. Also, look at the distance between the rear seat and rear window. This concept has little stowage space. The US market, I think, would pan a vehicle like this. As it is, if someone wants less convenient seating space or less convenient hauling space, they can buy an SUV or CUV.

Also, notice that with the rear wheel flare, the sliding side doors would have to pivot out and away from the body more than vans do. That will add weight to the door and increase the closing force. People complain about the closing force of normal sliding doors--they'd scream bloody murder over these (especially if they get their hand caught). This concept has the door gash down the sides. The Routan design avoids that.

Like so many concepts, they look sexy but would prove to be impractical.
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