Sunday, December 6, 2009

"More Than a Minivan Mom" owns a 2009 VW Routan

Friday, December 04, 2009

Treading trodden trails for a long, long time

There is so much to say, so much to comment on and report and respond to, but I've lost my voice, figuratively and literally. I've finally been run ragged enough that the illness that I evaded for the past couple months caught me, and I struggled to finish the workweek without taking a sick day. I made it, but now my voice has the annual Phoebe-singing-smelly-cat sexy sick timbre to it, and the gunk is settling in my lungs.

And I'm a little stuck in my head lately, in observation and contemplation mode rather than rant and preach and emote mode. On the one hand, it's a good place - I'm quieter, stiller, although I can't quite ascertain whether it's due to reflection or despondency. On the other, I am more puzzled by myself when I get like this - I am more comfortable and familiar with the other version of me.

But there's been a lot going on. In my life. At school. In the world. In my family. I don't quite know where to begin. Here's the bullet point version of the easily pinpointed events:

•On the way down to San Antonio for Thanksgiving, two of our "oh shit, there's trouble!" engine lights went on in the Odyssey. Turns out our transmission was shot. After sinking nearly 2 grand in the car this summer, and with a quote of close to 5 grand to fix the (necessary) problem, we elected to get a new car instead of fix the 9+ year old, 125k mile minivan. This is not exciting news. The only place in our budget to pay for a second car payment is from our down payment savings. Home ownership is now a very distant ship on the horizon, but on the upside, we can always live in our 2009 VW Routan van. Down by the river.

•How about that Tiger Woods, eh? Gotta love the judgemental finger pointing in our society. I'm not condoning infidelity, but I also think the only person whose problem it is, is his wife. I'm not in the mood to write a whole blog post about it, but the shorthand has something to do with human nature, our Puritan heritage, and people in glass houses. Piece it together.

•We're now in the second trimester at school (I'm 1/3 done with the school year!) and I'm teaching Women Writers. I'm passionate about this course, and LOVING the discussion and literature. We had a long discussion about the cult of womanhood in 2009, and what that means, the other day. It's a good blog post. Sometime, maybe I'll do that.

•Sam continues to test my fortitude. I was on the phone with his teacher at 6:30pm the other night. I don't know what's going on in his head or what more to do. Motherhood, it's a bitch. On the other hand, Bailey has really turned it around, and I'm so proud of him. I got a spontaneous note from his teacher the other day saying how great she thinks he is and how far he's come since the beginning of the year. He's getting great grades, and letting his geek flag fly in the safe environment of our school. I don't have much to say about Lucy. She is not allowed to have any issues until I get Sam figured out. I can only handle 1 dysfunctional child at a time.

•Our financial situation sucks. The end.

•Today was Mother's Visiting morning at school, so I dashed around trying to be a teacher and a mom. There were mothers there in fur coats. That's about all I have to say about that.

•I wish I could get excited about the holidays, because Christmas is my favorite season. But I'm overwhelmed with work and financially stressed and sick and a lot scattered. I'm envious of those of you who can leave work at the office (or for whom home IS the office. Or who don't have an office. Whatever), because I'm totally dropping the ball on everything, but I'm just too sick and tired and can barely keep up with what absolutely has to be done. Today was our faculty holiday party (which I missed because I'm sick) and I found myself thinking "What the HECK? Why are we having our holiday party?" but then it sort of dawned on me that it's 3 weeks until Christmas, and now is the time that parties start. But that doesn't seem right. I'm not there yet. Maybe on December 18th when I get out of work. I'm SURE 7 days (with the 3 kids home with me) is enough time to get ready for the holidays. Shop. Send cards. Bake. Decorate. Wrap. Create traditions with the kids. Listen to carols. Be jolly. Think of peace and goodwill on earth and towards mankind.

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