Tuesday, May 18, 2010

10 Types of People

Daily Buffet

May 18th, 2010 by Jason Leave a reply »

This weekend, Amy, Alex and I went out to test drive some VW vans!  No, … it was not the classic hippie vans.  It was the newer Chryslerish model – the Routan.  …    Anyway, the van was great and all, but there was something that I found particular peculiar and interesting.  … I was drawn to this one aspect – the fuel gauge.

It did not have an E for Empty and an F for Full, but instead had a 0(zero) for empty and a 1(one) for full.  Like I said, other cars may have been doing it this way for years, but for me it was a first, or at least the first time it hit me.  It reminded me of two things.  First the good old geek joke that there are only 10 kinds of people in the world, those you understand binary and those who don’t.  ( for those of you in the second category, 10 is 2 in binary.  Like this 00 = 0, 01= 1, 10 = 2, 11 = 3, yeah ok whatever).

Secondly it reminded me once again of this idea of being lukewarm, as there was a ½ in the middle.  But really, I want to be a 0 or a 1.  Off or on?.  And really I want to be obsessed, I want to be on, I want to be 1.  And maybe that’s why I noticed it so much, as the zero and one concept made it so black and white, so binary.  It was not empty and full, it was on or off.  It was just another stark reminder of how we should be living our lives.

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