Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Volkswagen Routan meets sales targets (by percentage).

This is not an official release from Volkswagen of America. I'm just sick of reading people saying that the Routan is selling miserably, is a flop, and that Volkswagen can't give them away.

On February 6, 2008, Associated Press reported, in part: "U.S. minivan sales have been in decline with the rise of crossover and small sport utility vehicles. Minivan sales dropped 18 per cent last year, and General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. have left the market altogether.

But [Volkswagen of America President and CEO Stefan] Jacoby said the minivan market still is approaching 1 million vehicles a year, and Volkswagen would like to capture 3 to 5 per cent of that.

"It's big, and we want to have a decent share in it," he said."

PRNewswire published the September and YTD sales figures of the auto-makers who sell in the U.S. From these reports, we glean the following data:

Brand        YTD - 9/09

Chrysler         61,715

Dodge             64,912

Honda             77,978

Hyundai            3,423

Kia                  23,717

Mazda             14,918

Nissan               7,728

Toyota             59,772

Volkswagen     12,639

Total             326,802

Volkswagen's market share of sales is 3.87%, right where Volkswagen of America was aiming for. In a market where most auto manufacturers' sales are down year-to-year, Volkswagen gained market share where they had none.
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